
Ithaca, NY Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment in Ithaca NY

While many people dread wearing metal braces, many patients are excited about the prospect of wearing Invisalign invisible braces. It is a popular orthodontic treatment that dentists believe can help a significant portion of patients who have relatively minor orthodontic problems. It is a treatment that’s available at Northeast Family Dental in Ithaca, NY.

The Invisalign Way

Almost everyone wants a perfect, straight and beautiful smile. In fact, A Kelton Global survey discovered that the most positive first impressions occur due to an attractive set of teeth. With Invisalign, crooked or misaligned teeth are straightened using clear plastic trays instead of metal devices. Invisible aligners are as effective as braces in repositioning the teeth to improve the appearance of your smile.

How Does Invisalign Help?

Invisalign aligner trays are designed to gently force your teeth to conform to their shape over a specific period of time—usually six to 12 months. Once the first tray does its job, it’s time to wear the next one—this process continues every two weeks or so. After your Northeast Family Dental dentist confirms that the treatment is complete, you’ll use the final aligner tray as your retainer every night while sleeping. 

Why Patients Prefer Invisalign

There are a few key reasons why dental patients specifically ask for Invisalign over metal or ceramic braces. Explore whether these reasons apply to your unique case:

They are working professionals who are required to speak often at business meetings and conferences (the trays can be removed at will)
They want to be able to enjoy their favorite foods that aren’t easy to eat when wearing permanent braces (like corn on the cob)
They don’t want to experience the discomfort that is common in the early stages of wearing metal braces
The treatment period for Invisalign is usually shorter compared to traditional braces

Caring for Your Teeth During Invisalign Treatment

How to Clean Clear Aligners

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Invisalign system is that the trays can be removed for easy cleaning. So please don't neglect to do this! You'll need to brush your teeth after every meal or snack so that food and plaque do not get trapped in the aligners, which could promote tooth decay and gum disease. Your aligners, too, will have to be cleaned regularly; you can do this by brushing them and then rinsing them with lukewarm water.

Also, please keep in mind that while wearing clear aligners is very different from wearing braces, the importance of retaining your post-treatment results is exactly the same. You'll want to be sure to wear your retainer(s) exactly as prescribed after your treatment is completed to protect your investment in a beautiful new smile.

 If you want to learn more about straightening your teeth with Invisalign,
call Northeast Family Dental in Ithaca, NY at (607) 257-0060 to schedule an appointment today!

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